Are you...

  • totally sick of writhing in pain every dang month?

  • frustrated with the solutions to your pain being the same (pain killers or the pill) with no other modality that works?

  • tired of organising your life around your pains?

The Period Pain Solution

Meet your guide and facilitator, Katrina.

Want a cosy solution?

Pelvic steaming has worked for many people who experience the same pain as you every cycle.

Over the course you will learn how to steam in the cosiness of your own home as well as some stress relieving modalities and techniques that I learnt along the way that will really support you. Learn from Katrina (moi!) who experienced 20 years of period pain and searching for a solution and who is now PAIN FREE before, during and after her periods! All because of pelvic steaming woohoo!

Testimonials from The Pelvic Steaming Testimonial Database

What you will get

  • Steam plan tailored to you and your body

    Created for you by the Peristeam Facilitator, all students receive one steam plan tailored to you and your cycle. This ensures you are steaming the right amount of time for your cycle, using the correct herbs as well as keeping you safe.

  • Stress Relief techniques and modalities

    These modalities help support your journey towards pain free periods. I have sifted through alot of personal development and healing techniques and share with you what I have found to be most effective.

  • Step by step guidance and support

    Step by step guidance from a certified Peristeam Facilitator on how to steam in an effective way that's safe. Avoid all the pitfalls that I fell into in my journey to learning how to pelvic steam at home. Customer support through online discussion forum for every step of the way.

Course curriculum

  1. Welcome!

  2. A real Pain in the Uterus!

  3. Need to know before you steam

  4. How to steam safely....and effectively :)

  5. Body Mind Connection

  6. What's the plan?

The Period Pain Solution

  • $197.00


How will you teach me?

  • The course will be delivered through pre-recorded video trainings with PDFs to support your learning. It is a self study course so you can go at your own pace, with online support from your facilitator.

  • All live group calls will be recorded and available on the platform. These will take place once or twice a year. You have lifetime access for the lifetime of the course.

  • Online discussion forums are available 24/7 so you can have any questions answered as you make your way through the course materials. These online forums are also a place to connect with other course participants.


Katrina Anderson

I'm a Peristeam Facilitator and my passion is empowering women to help themselves. I teach women who experience long term period pain how to Vaginal steam in a safe and effective way all in the privacy of their homes. I also share other mind/ body modalities that have worked for me in my journey to pain free periods.

Find your Happy Flow. Period.

Address the root cause of your period pains.

  • This is NOT for you if...

    *You are pregnant! Don't steam when pregnant :) *You have had two periods per month for the last 3 months. ALSO NOT FOR YOU IF *You want a guarantee that it will work for you. *You need 1:1 support from a qualified professional therapist. We deep dive into the womb and your past to shift old stories and beliefs. This is an online group program with limitations on how much support we can give you. ALSO NOT FOR YOU IF *You don't respect healthy boundaries. *You will steam even when it's advised that you shouldn't.

  • This is for you if...

    *You have tried many things to heal your period pains and nothing has worked. * You are willing to take a chance on v-steaming to melt your pains away. *You are ready to commit to steaming for 3-6 months to experience real results. *You are willing to do the work and take full responsibility for your own success. *You can afford to do this course without putting yourself at financial risk. *You are curious and open minded. * You are willing to deep dive into the womb and your past to uncover it's gifts and while doing this, you are able to recognise when you need professional help...and get it!

  • Why learn from me?

    I’ve had over 20 years of pain and searching for solutions. When steaming worked, I knew I had to get it out there and share it. I'm qualified to create the correct steam plan for you and to screen you for contraindications. I love sharing things that actually work. I love sharing what I know and can break things down into easy steps. This works! I feel strongly compelled to share it because of my own experience.

FAQ and not so frequently asked questions!

  • Can I do the course even though I have my period right now?

    Yes! You can learn and start steaming once your period has stopped

  • Is everything recorded?

    Yes, it is a self study course with any live components recorded. You’ll have access to the course and live components for at least 12 months.

  • Can I do this course if I’m a non-menstruator?

    I’m not trained in facilitating those born without female genitalia. Those who used to menstruate and now don’t because of menopause or hysterectomy, it would still be beneficial to do the course as many people have found steaming addresses other issues such as infections and vaginal dryness.

  • The course talks about addressing period pain, can it also address other pain in the genitals?

    Yes! Countless women have found pain relief from steaming. Many people have found that it may dissolve scar tissue and pain from operations in the reproductive area.

  • Does the course gaslight my pain saying that I created it myself through my thoughts or law of attraction?

    NO! Your pain is real, and we have a real solution to it. Numerous women have found pain relief and resolution of their cramps from steaming.

  • Can you guarantee that steaming will work to resolve my pain?

    No. Steam users have found that it works to resolve period pain and pain in the reproductive area but I cannot give a guarantee that it will work for you.

  • Will there be a Facebook group?

    No, there will be opportunity to connect with others in the course and the facilitator through the online group discussion space in the course.

Refund Policy

The whole course is given at the beginning, so I’m unable to offer a refund. Go through all the information on this page to see if the course is for you. Clients have experienced reduced or completely eliminated their period pains through steaming in the way that is taught in the course. It takes 3-6 months of steaming to see the full results. Many, including myself, saw a reduction in pain after 1 month. If there is no reduction in pain, at least you’ll know this modality (steaming) for addressing other reproductive imbalances. Numerous people have reported that steaming has addressed infections, increased libido, increased pleasure and sensitivity, increased vaginal lubrication, shrunk fibroids, released cysts and increased fertility.